May is Apprenticeship Career Pathways Month

05/02/2019| Theresa Blaner

May is Apprenticeship Career Pathways Month

05/02/2019 | Theresa Blaner

Guest feature: Theresa Blaner is the director of communications for the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation. Follow along with DLLR on Facebook and Twitter.

Governor Larry Hogan has proclaimed May as Apprenticeship Career Pathways Month in Maryland. The month-long observance raises awareness of apprenticeship programs and the opportunities they provide to workers and employers in increasing skills and strengthening the workforce.

"May marks the graduation season and is a time when many of Maryland’s students are considering the next step in their careers," said Governor Hogan. "Apprenticeship Career Pathways Month recognizes the value of apprenticeship programs in our state, as well as the many opportunities available through on-the-job training and instruction."

For students heading straight to jobs and careers after graduation, the month of May can hold another type of celebratory event: signing day. On signing days, new apprentices endorse their letter of commitment with a sponsor, indicating their intention to join an apprenticeship program. Governor Hogan’s proclamation acknowledges these events, and recognizes their significance as a start to a promising career.

By declaring May Apprenticeship Career Pathways Month, Maryland wishes to celebrate the achievement of new apprentices, and hopes to increase the public’s awareness of the long-term value of apprenticeship.

Apprenticeships are full-time careers that include on-the-job training and classroom instruction, allowing apprentices to earn while they learn. Many apprenticeship programs partner with local institutes of higher learning, allowing apprentices to earn credit toward college degrees.

Since the beginning of the Hogan administration in January 2015, the number of registered apprentices has grown by nearly 20 percent.

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