McCormick: Mastering flavors for 125+ years

05/29/2018| MDbiz

McCormick: Mastering flavors for 125+ years

05/29/2018 | MDbiz

Lots of businesses have basement beginnings. But few go on to claim industry dominance and a journey in business that spans more than a century... like McCormick and Company.

Best known today for its iconic red-cap spices that line grocery store shelves and home pantries, McCormick had humble beginnings. Founder Willoughby McCormick started the company in the basement of a Baltimore home in 1889, and went door-to-door selling the company's spices and extracts. Once the flavors of McCormick caught on, the company moved into more suitable Baltimore headquarters. From there, the company continued to expand rapidly, and has yet to slow down.

Read more about McCormick's success in Maryland.

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